Well this one was luck too . I  was just walking around checking a scrape line to see if it was still being work. The hunting club next to me was running dogs that day. I heard them drive up and drop the tail gate across the road. I thought to myself be nice if one kinda tried to snick out the back door on them .Well one tried the dogs jump right off sounded like they ran 100 yards and turned back the dog driver shot 4 times I guess at this deer. The dogs made a little turn and crossed the dirt road and headed to me the deer came right to me I shot the deer drop . the dogs came on too I caught them put them on my rope and belt and across the road I went taken the dogs back. The man there at the truck ask me what I had killed I told him . He wanted to know how many times the deer had been shot . I told him once he said oh hell the boy he ran by knock him down twice and ask if I was sure I was the one that killed the deer .I didn't get mad I told him he was welcome to walk with me and look at the deer . Well he help me drag the deer out to the road loaded it on his truck and took me and the deer home. Oh yea the man that shot had a shot gun with buck shot in it . The deer had a pass through with a 270 only. Some thing else I forgot the scrapes were work after I killed this deer but I never saw him that year. A word to dog owners be nice there's a lot of people that aint as nice as I am when it comes to deer dogs your dogs depend on you.